FSL’s North Carolina directory, your guide to school lunch options across the Tar Heel State. With a focus on both nutrition and taste, we offer detailed listings for all 100 county and 15 city school districts in North Carolina. Governed by dedicated boards, these districts prioritize the education and well-being of their students, managing everything from budgetary decisions to staff employment. Whether you’re a parent, student, or educator, our directory is designed to help you easily navigate the varied and vibrant school lunch programs North Carolina has to offer. Dive in to discover healthy, delicious meal options in your district!
(704) 260-5600
(704) 866-6100
(919) 934-6031
(980) 343-6270
(910) 671-6000
(252) 492-2127
(919) 431-7400
(919) 731-5900
(336) 667-1121
(252) 399-7700
(336) 570-6060
(828) 632-7001
(336) 372-4345
(704) 694-4417
(336) 246-7175
(828) 733-6006
(252) 946-6593
(252) 794-6025
(910) 862-4136
(910) 253-2900
(828) 232-4160
(828) 350-7000
(828) 439-4311
(704) 938-1131
(828) 728-8407
(252) 335-0831
(252) 728-4583
(336) 694-4116
(828) 464-8333
(828) 322-2855
(828) 464-3191
(919) 542-3626
(828) 554-5001
(252) 482-4436
(828) 389-8513
(704) 476-8000
(910) 642-5168
(910) 642-4116
(252) 514-6300
(910) 678-2300
(252) 232-2223
(252) 480-8888
(336) 249-8181
(336) 242-1527
(336) 474-4200
(336) 751-5921
(910) 296-1521
(919) 560-3749
(252) 641-2600
(336) 727-2816
(919) 496-2600
(252) 357-1113
(828) 479-9820
(919) 693-4613
(252) 747-3425
(336) 370-8100
(252) 583-5111
(252) 519-7100
(252) 536-4821
(910) 893-8151
(828) 456-2400
(828) 697-4733
(252) 358-1761
(910) 875-4106
(252) 926-3281
(704) 872-8931
(704) 658-2530
(828) 586-2311
(252) 448-2531
(919) 774-6226
(252) 527-1109
(704) 732-2261
(828) 524-3314
(828) 649-9276
(252) 792-1575
(828) 652-4535
(828) 766-2220
(910) 576-6511
(910) 947-2976
(252) 459-5220
(910) 254-4200
(252) 534-1371
(910) 455-2211
(919) 732-8126
(919) 967-8211
(252) 745-4171
(252) 335-2981
(910) 259-2187
(252) 426-5741
(336) 599-2191
(252) 830-4200
(828) 894-3051
(336) 633-5000
(336) 625-5104
(910) 582-5860
(336) 627-2600
(704) 636-7500
(828) 288-2200
(910) 592-1401
(910) 592-3132
(910) 276-1138
(704) 961-3000
(336) 593-8146
(336) 386-8211
(336) 835-3135
(336) 786-8355
(828) 488-3129
(828) 884-6173
(252) 796-1121
(704) 296-9898
(252) 257-3184
(252) 793-5171
(828) 264-7190
(336) 679-2051
(828) 682-6101